Thursday, September 10, 2009


I watched the news for the first time in several days. I have been working very hard on the house. The President got heckled during his speech to congress. It is only logical.

If we want a socialized health care system like England, then we need to have a legislature like England that shouts at one another while they are delivering speeches.

In some Rabbinic schools the students are taught to argue. They discuss their theological matter while yelling and being very forceful in their speech.

Our society is so dumbed down we really need it. People function on a Jerry Springer level in life. If our politicians don't get a little mad and do a little shouting the general public will not understand their argument because the general public does not argue civilly anymore.

We expect our leaders to act like stoics, while we act like hedonists. The hypocrisy (rudeness) of the public and media is a horrible as the hypocrisy of the elected officials. He shouted down the President, but you shouted down your spouse last week. He shouted down the President, but you watch Jerry Springer for enjoyment (a colossal waste of time).

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