Monday, April 23, 2007

A Big Thank You to Dylan G.!

Yesterday the A.t.t.i.c. Youth arrived back in Washington from Acquire the Fire in Kansas City. I want to thank Dylan and Laura Glastetter, and so should you, for all the work they have put into the ministry this year. Twelve students attended the conference and Dylan said it was very good and that everyone participated well. I am glad to hear that our students are worshiping and responding at these events.

Now, let's all get on board with Dylan and start connecting with the youth that are attending our church. Most of them are from non-churched homes and their parents do not yet attend. They need the influence and friendship of our older folks desperately. We really do want them to learn from you, but you have to go after them.

When I was 16, back in the 20th century, a retired man at the church where I came to know Jesus started talking to me every week in the foyer. When I went to college I saw him less, but when we talked during visits to my home church I could tell he was praying for me by hints in his conversation.

When I went back to my home church to join the staff as an Associate Pastor, I told the Pastor that I thought Herb had been praying for me all these years. He asked Herb the next week and Herb responded, "I have prayed for Paul every day."

In ten years First Assembly of God can have that kind of testimony too! But that kind of testimony is not easily earned. It is not some easy miracle that God does for us in an instant or a single service. It is earned through constant love, prayer, and relationship with people who are outside our little circle of cultural comfort! It is a testimony that is earned by consistent effort mixed with faith.

Thanks Dylan,

Paul Scheperle


Anonymous said...

DYLAN IS THE MAN!! Dylan is growing more and more every day as a leader in our church, and he is greatly appreciated. His attitude, integrity, and style of teaching has had a great impact on our youth, and beyond. Keep up the good work Dylan.

And now, a shameless plug. You can come hang out with Dylan at my Small Group Saturdays at 6:00. Call the church for info!!!

Pastor With Coffee said...

That is the kind of group leader I like, that makes shameless plugs for their group.

Yesterday two ladies from our church shamelessly invited a couple from the nursing home service to their 6:00 p.m. Sunday group. They seemed very interested in attending!