Thursday, May 10, 2007

The Spirit's Voice #5

This last way in which the Holy Spirit speaks is the most common way that the Holy Spirit speaks to believers. Through this avenue the Holy Spirit encourages, leads, illuminates the Scriptures, convicts and assures us.

In 1 Kings 19:11-13 Elijah heard the quiet whisper of God. Often God speaks internally to us in a way that is so quiet that we wonder if God is really speaking. We expect such big appearances of God that we miss all the little ways he is talking to us all the time.

When we experience this quiet whisper of the Holy Spirit in our spirits the first question is often, "I that just me thinking, or is that God?" Here is why we ask that question. When we communicate with any other person we go through a process of translating our idea in to some language or code. Then we transmit the code. The recipient must decode the message and form an idea. In all the encoding, transmitting and decoding errors can occur. For instance, in the diagram I am thinking candle, but encode it like this, "A light." My friend thinks I am talking about the sun because of an error in encoding and transmission.

When God communicates with our spirit through the small still voice, or witness of the Holy Spirit, there is no encoding and no decoding. God simply, and perfectly places His idea in our spirits. The first voice to encode that new piece of information is our own, thus we wrestle with the above question.

As we learn to hear the Lord better and better and judge our own thoughts by the Word we will become better and better at hearing the small still voice of the Holy Spirit of God.

Keep Listening,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like what you had to say in your
comment on hearing, the decoding-
encoding thing. That was good.