Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Everybody Must Get Stoned

There is this dumb old Bob Dylan song with the same title as this post. I don't like the song, but it is what I thought when I heard a report on NPR today about drug use.

16% of Americans have tried cocaine. 40% have tried cannabis (perhaps not all have inhaled). The highest use of cocaine was in the 1970's and was among baby boomers. According to the report, we in the U.S. are more likely to use drugs than citizens of European countries. I hope the research or my interpretation is flawed!

Well, not everyone is getting stoned! I am in the 60% who have never tried marijuana, praise God! Also, don't feel like there is no hope. Christians can make a difference. Did you know that in the years between 1820 and 1850 that alcohol use among Americans decreased from 7 gallons of 200 proof alcohol per person per year to under 2 gallons per person per year? It was due to the temperance movement (McPherson 1988). While the immigrant population was increasing from heavy drinking cultures, the numbers still fell!

Never be afraid to stand for what you know is right. Not everyone is getting stoned these days. Those who are, are in the minority.

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