Monday, July 21, 2008

The Story I Would Not Share

In the second service I was telling a bit of my story. I decided (out loud) to skip a story that popped into my mind about my childhood. Several people shouted, "Just tell us!" I was short on time and this story is not necessarily helpful to the message. As promised here is the story.

When I was in 6th grade my family made our first 45 gallon batch of wine. The recipe called for a bottle of pure grain alcohol to be added to jump start the fermentation process (I guess?). I had just learned a new concept in the process of helping and so, I begged to start the siphon. I got a mouthful! It seemed like it burned the rest of the day. It turned out that adding the alcohol was a bad idea. The wine was like 25% alcohol. Just like NyQuil.

Well, not a smart move on my part. Not wise of the adults involved either. Well, now you have it.

Sometimes I wonder at the difference in the way my kids are going to grow up compared to the way I grew up. I am glad.

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