Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Kids in School

The second week is about half over and things are going well for us with our first school experience. I can see now that the routine of homework is going to be tough to get into. The kids are whipped (that means exhausted, I am not the old woman in the shoe) when they get home. So, sitting down for home work, and 20 minutes of required reading per day, per child, is tough to get in with two boys.

Gabe will not play by the rules. He is writing his numbers in his homework, and will not draw the number like it is supposed to look. When we correct him, or even gently show him an error, he says, "I want to draw it like this." Actually, I think he is trying to get us to believe that he meant to make the drawing mistake, when he really did not. He gets discouraged fast and so a lot of encouragement needs to go with the correction so he won't give up or fight us.

An that was only the first 8 minutes of homework in his life!


Anonymous said...

Just think Paul...
You have less than 81,892 min. of homework left to help Gabe with before you can kick him out of the house.

The word “homework” is defined as work accumulated during normal school hours that are intended to be completed at home.
This does not include your child’s “homework” due to attendance to summer school and/or off school year activities such as summer camps as well as after normal school hours work accumulated by classes, lessons and/or extra curricular activities. Nor do these numbers reflect the event that your child chooses to become the above average student implying the taking on of additional work during these typical school hours. As well this does not reflect the event that your child misses school and must take home additional work for making up what was has missed. Further more this document does not take into allowance grades that must be repeated and upon such event this entire document is void.

Pastor With Coffee said...

Daunting Number, nice disclamer.