Tuesday, August 12, 2008

You have to read this post

Paul church has a post titled: "Quitting the Ministry" It is worth a read.

If you are reaidng this line, and did not read the link go back and read it!

After you read it you will understand why I don't like being called Reverend and Preacher. You will know why I don't like all the superficial stuff that goes with "the ministry." I am not your social coordiantor. I am not in charge of inviting friends to your party for you, or planning your party. I am not the chief pot-lucker. I am not called to "do" weddings. Where is that in the Bible? I do weddings, but not when I am being asked to be a human peice of religious decoration for a tradition that really has no spiritual consequence for the couple involved.

I am called to join with and assist you as you reach your friends and family for Christ. Along the way we will share life's hurts and pain and will see the miracles of God in each other and espically in those God saves when he works through us. We will have some great weddings and great fellowship. But if we just want a club led by "the reverend," then we will be sad, sad, sad. I know I will be.

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