Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Your Offspring

This last Sunday we finished the powerful parenting series. Here is a little closing note.

Isaiah 44:3 says, "...I will pour out my spirit on your offspring, and my blessing on your descendants." I claim that promise for my three kids, Gabe, Ben and Elizabeth.

Isaiah 44 goes on to say three things:
1. "One will say, "I belong to the Lord" -- Gabriel means, "man of God"
2. "...another will call himself by the name of Jacob" -- Benjamin was the son of Jacob and means "my strength," or "son of my right hand."
3. "another will write on his hand, 'The Lord's'" -- Elizabeth means "God is my oath," or "my faithful covenant maker."

I thought that it was neat that in Isaiah 44 there were three examples of descendants who claim the Lord and I have three kids that I am giving to God.

Find Scriptures that you can stand on for your kids, and trust God to fulfill his promises to your family.

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