Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Weekend Rewind

Sunday was one of those really fun preaching experiences. I love preaching about dreams that God has for us. I love helping people realize those dreams and do something for God. I left the survey open ended and allowed people to write short answers. I was looking for occurrences of the same answer in this free format, indicating that perhaps God is leading us in a particular direction by the Holy Spirit.

We ended the message with a survey that asked three questions:
1. If you could do anything in life and were guaranteed not to fail what would you do?
2. What kind of help have you always wanted to provide in church?
3. What way have you always wanted to tell people about Jesus, but have not yet accomplished?

Here are some interesting findings from the survey.
-7 people want to do short term missions work.
-5 people want to help with outreaches.
-4 people want to help hurting underprivileged kids.
-3 people want to share Jesus through pro-life activities.

Here are some particular answers that really struck my heart.
Question #1:
-I want to teach High School Chemistry.
-I want to be an inventor.
-Work with special needs children.
-I want to raise my kids to be on fire for Jesus.
-I want to be a nurse.
-I want to be a missionary.
-I would become a scenic photographer.
Amazingly, I can see all of these talents and goals submitted to God and used for his glory!

Question #2:
-I am doing what I have wanted to do for years...as a part of the worship team.
-I want to encourage others to witness to the lost.
-God would like me to start a Bible study to help young mothers.

Question #3:
-I have never witnessed to a stranger.
-I want to communicate more clearly.
-I want to have the words to say.
-I want the Holy Spirit to lead me more.
-I want to provide mentoring and financial or material help for dysfunctional families that commonly turn to gov. assistance.
-Through teen pregnancy assistance.

I think that there might be some ministry opportunities that will develop out of this survey. We have groups of people who all have the same passions, but don't know it! I did not know it! Let's see what God wants us to do together.

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