Monday, October 27, 2008

Weekend Rewind

How Great is Our God, was really attacked by the Devil. The DVD we ordered did not come through. The golf balls we ordered were lost sue to an e-mail malfuntion in North Carolina. A ton of regular attenders in the second service were not at church at all on Sunday (which is demoralizing). Finally, most people (except for the visitors) showed up so late that the start of the second service was a little weird.

If you take away the visitors that we were blessed to have in the second service and just count regular attenders, the first service was larger! Thank God for visitors! Thank God for good attendance in the first service.

People were blessed by the message. Here is a link to Christian Book Distributors to get a copy for yourself.

Let's begin to pray today for Fire Fall. Fire Fall, is a Fall spiritual emphasis or revival that we are having, November 2nd through 5th. Services will be Sunday night at 6:00 p.m. and Monday through Wednesday at 7:00 p.m. Evening services will be fast paced and will start promptly and on time. Nursery is being provided, but children (Jungle Jam age and up) are encouraged to attend, worship, listen, and pray with their families. We offer age appropriate ministry regularly, but our kids need to see up worship, and join us in prayer. We need to all get serious about corporate prayer and passionate worship in our church. I hope Fire Fall will be a turning point in our passion for God.

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