Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Election Re-Cap

First, let me say that each election cycle shows us more drastically that we are headed toward the one-world government depicted in the New Testament in the final days before Jesus comes again in Revelation 19:11-21. Read this quote from the Associate Press article titled, Obama victory sparks cheers around the globe.

""What an inspiration. He is the first truly global U.S. president the world has ever had," said Pracha Kanjananont, a 29-year-old Thai sitting at a Starbuck's in Bangkok. "He had an Asian childhood, African parentage and has a Middle Eastern name. He is a truly global president."

Though many US citizens are not anxious to have a "global president," many around the world are.

Second, I believe that we must prepare ourselves for the impending persecution that will come our way as we continue to hold on to Biblical values pertaining to the family, abortion and euthanasia. The media today has already determined for all of us that a pro-homosexuality stance and a pro-choice view are morally acceptable and that conflicting views (traditionally Christian, Biblical Views) are immoral. I would rather suffer through four more years of financial difficulty, as opposed to the persecution that is looming on the horizon for Christian ministers and business owners who will be pressured to conform to the liberal social agenda of the left that is soon to be in power.

Third, we must pray for our leaders as the Scriptures have instructed us. So that we may lead peaceable and Godly lives. I have already begun to pray for Barak Obama. Following his acceptance speech I turned off the TV and began to pray for him. Pray for his health and safety and the safety of his family. There are still those in our world who hate them due to the color of their skin. Those wicked individuals must be stopped! Even if I disagree with his social policy, I see a man, a wife, and two small children who need God's protection in a dangerous world and a highly visible office. All Christians must get busy and prayer for our leaders.

Fourth, I join with all the voices of Tuesday who ended speeches and meetings with the words, "May God bless America." May God bless us, but not with wealth or tools for feeding our sinful and greedy desires. May God bless us with righteousness and Godly living that exalts a nation.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thank you!!! We are so blessed to have a pastor who focuses on the Bible and how it relates to us today. Bless you!!!!