Friday, March 6, 2009

Provision Vision

Times are tough. Many people are having job trouble and money trouble. In this kind of environment it is easy for followers of Jesus, who walk by faith and not by sight, to give up and walk by sight.

Most people will not give up on Jesus, but they may give up on some of the principals that Jesus and the Word of God teach. This makes me think of Abraham, the father of the faith. Not only Christians, but Muslims and Jews look back to this inspirational and faith filled man. He was a great man, but he too was pressed by economic strain.

After arriving in the land God promised him, there was a famine. He left his new home and headed for Egypt to get food. On arriving he was afraid that the Egyptians would kill him for his beautiful wife and so he chose to lie and tell the community that Sara was his sister. The economic pressure made Abraham feel compelled to lie and be ambiguous about his marriage commitment. Does God want us to lie? No. Does God want ambiguous marriage commitment? No. But people do strange things under pressure.

I want to encourage you today. In the face of economic difficulty hold to the principals that you know are true in the Word of God. No matter how low you may sink, you will never be happy in any future economic upswing when gian is due to dishonesty and unprincipled living. God has promised to be our provider. Keep that provision vision and let it guide you in your decisions.

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