Wednesday, April 29, 2009

First 100 Days

With all the news about the first hundred days I have had a few strange musings.

First, the toughest part of being the President in my mind would be overcoming the thought that I am personally so important that I should allow a father, son, brother, sister, another human being to take a bullet for me as a part of their job. In all, or many world leaders of history, there is an unusual level of self importance. To gather a following of individuals, numbering thousands many times, that will willingly sacrifice their lives for their human leader is a daunting task. That leader must have an unusual sense of personal self importance. In a recent book by Michael Corda I read that General MacArthur would change his uniform in the middle of the day so that he would always appear pressed. I have read, that to take a certain city Alexander the Great met with the city leaders and stood his troops at the top of a cliff. He ordered several to march off the cliff to their deaths and they did so. Then threatened the city leaders with the thought of 40,000 other trained and determined troops that would attack their city until it was decimated. They surrendered with no resistance. Though I wish for my ideas to effect change in my world, I prefer the leadership model of Jesus. The leader (shepherd) lays down his life for the sheep, not the other way around.

Second, what have I done in the last 100 days? Led 12 people to Jesus Christ! Accomplished some great counseling with three couples in our church. Prepared to teach a college sociology course (started yesterday) which I have never done before. I helped my wife start an at home business, finished the manuscript of my first book, and spun 17 clay pots and fired them with the help of Fred Wyatt. We will sell them this Summer and give the proceeds to local benevolence agencies. Attended District Council helping with the registration and roster committee. Ben, Gabe and I shot a turkey. I went on a two day Royal Ranger camp out with six, six year old boys led by Pastor John. Held a successful missions convention, and week long seminar on the Gifts of the Holy Spirit. I Paid my taxes, (which is more than I can say for some others in Washington recently). I assisted my wife in reading with my kids for no less than 2,520 minutes per child in the last 100 days (we have to keep track weekly for school). I helped lead the membership committee of the Optimist Club through the March membership drive and membership banquet. Finally, we have started the renovation of our upstairs to install a bathroom, further demolition will occur this weekend. Perhaps I have done more with my time and money in 100 days than the president has done. I have volunteered more time, stimulated the economy more, and helped kids more. And that, without stimulus money, or the need of personal body guards, even though pastors have increasingly and obviously become assassination targets.

I don't mean to be a political hack. But, the collective greed of our country has caused us immense difficulty recently and the debt of responding to it will be with us for a long time. What we really need is an attitude change in all parties and all levels of our nation. Do we live lives of self importance or self sacrifice? Do we choose our political and ethical standards based on 2010 election poles? Do we find the direction for our life in the largest pay check or benefit check offered? Or, are we guided by an inner sense of our principals of service?

I challenge you today to set some goals for your life in the next 100 days. You have till roughly August 7th, if I have added correctly. Think about your life. What can you do for God, others, your family, the economy, and our nation? Think altruistically and believe God to provide.

P.S. Let's be faithful to God and his word and continue to pray for our President, Governor and leaders.

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