Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Tuesday Night Entertianment

Some of you might wonder what I do for fun. I like hunting and reading. I like hanging out with friends. Tonight I have been watching some YouTube videos. Here are a few.

The first is an interview with former atheist scholar Anthony Flew who turned from atheism to theism in 2004.

The second is a video of Richard Dawkins, another acclaimed atheist who refutes Flew by calling him a poor philosopher and personally attacking his intelligence rather than his arguments.

The third video is a video of J. P. Moreland who defends Flew.

If you have read Richard Dawkins, Daniel Dennett, or Sam Harris (which I have) you will see that often they revert to the attack mode of making fun of their theistic opponents and simply calling them "stupid," in this case, in front of a group of college students who get excited and shout for them, kind of like a bunch Bible belt Christian summer campers excited about Jesus. Hummmm.

Now that's entertainment!

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