Thursday, July 23, 2009

Vision Casting

While we were out with the 50+ group I took advantage of showing them a new church building that was built by a congregation not much larger than ours and a whole lot younger than ours. The church is only about 10 years old.

One of the things that Pastor Barry did right at St. Charles River Church, was to build a big foyer with a coffee shop in it. Here are some pictures. The vision the Lord has given me for a building includes a large foyer and coffee shop. Ministry happens in relationships. The other part of the vision is plenty of altar space in the worship area. Every sermon needs to be followed by a passionate prayer response. Our church needs much growth in these two areas. When we build we will make room for these priorities among other things like missions, youth and children's ministries.


Rev Chris M Fluharty said...

Paul you don't want a coffee house in your church. That is just a seeker sensitive fad that will eventually run its course then you will have a ton of wasted space. The fad has already started to fade here and many pastors are regretting putting one in. Invest in your kids and youth and keep it simple brother. Of course you know how I am with the whole PDL emergent church stuff anyhow.

Anonymous said...

Good Afternoon

Looking forward to your next post

Anonymous said...

Hi, very interesting post, greetings from Greece!