Thursday, July 30, 2009

Wednesday at Camp

Pastor fooling around with the other pastors after staff meeting at 8:30 a.m.

Counselor from West County Assembly of God who has his boys in the same dorm room with our boys and Pastor John.

Here is a video of Michael getting blobbed at boys swim time. He had a lot of fun. Pastor John blobbed him as you can see at the end of the video. This year we also have some leaders who are giving rides on jet bikes. BTW, this kind of stuff is why I like to work water front all week.

Today the kids (boys) became tired and it really showed in their attitudes and actions. But, we still had a god time of prayer at the end of the service and that was a good experience for some of them.

Pray that the Lord will bless us with spiritual formation in the boy today, tonight and tomorrow. Friday we drive home after a brief chapel service in the morning.

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