Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Internal Threats

In 2 Samuel 22 David writes a song of thanks to God for all his faithfulness. In verse 44 David says, "You have delivered me from the attacks of my people..." Most of the song is about God saving David from foreign enemies, but there in the middle of the song is this line.

The same day I read this I read a portion of a book that indicated that the Church grows the fastest under persecution. But, U.S. churches (especially in the mid west) it seems that Pastors deal with internal attacks from the church, but almost never deal with persecution from without. Maybe the reason church growth in the U.S. is stagnant nationally is because we spend too much time attacking each other and not enough time attacking the Devil. Let's spend our energy loving people who don't live for Jesus.

If you feel the pressure of attacks from within your organization, begin trusting God like David did. God delivered him from the attacks of his own people. Then, spend your energy loving those who are not, "my people."

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