Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Let's Help Haiti

Many of you are asking about Haiti and what the Church is doing to respond to the disaster. Sunday we started collecting money that we can send to Convoy of Hope and Assemblies of God Medical missionaries to help. This coming Sunday we will again be receiving money to help with the disaster relief.

Many of you have also asked about James and Rachael Courter, missionaries we support monthly, who visited our church last year. They are safe. According to their face book profile they were driving when the quake hit. Thankfully, not in a building. They are working with Assembly of God relief efforts.

I have been watching videos of Assembly of God relief efforts in the last few minutes this morning. I have seen several familiar faces of emergency and disaster relief missionaries I know, who have shared at our church. It is amazing that they are already there on the ground providing food and drinking water to literally thousands up on thousands of people!

I encourage you to watch two videos that will inform you more about these efforts. First, check out the address from George Wood, then the Convoy of Hope message from Hal Donaldson, who we had speak at the Men of the Church Banquet, last February, you men will recognize his face and voice. Then, for more detail, you can read some Assemblies of God new headlines as well.

Please pray for Haiti as you go about your business this week. Feel free to check the Convoy of Hope website and AG.org for further information.

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