Monday, January 4, 2010

Weekend Rewind

Sunday was COLD!

Church was good on Sunday, it was our second week of 40 Days of Purpose. I really botched the sermon in the first service. It was really bumpy. Saturday I practiced preaching the message with our power point presentation and I still messed it up! It was too complex. Less would have been better. In the second service it went perfectly.

About 6 people made re-dedications of their hearts to the Lord in the two services. That was exciting. One woman who has visited only about three times stood in the front row with tears streaming down her face as we took communion together. What an amazing experience to have prayed with her two weeks ago for salvation and then to celebrate communion and God's forgiveness with her Sunday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Seeing people touched by the power of God is one of the most amazing events one can witness - Being only my 2nd time at service it is amazing to see the number of people that are being touch by the holy spirit - You feel the presence of the spirit as you enter the building it amazing