Friday, September 10, 2010

Thoughts on Burning The Koran

There is way too much commentary already on the Koran burning mess in Florida.

Here is all I am thinking. What a massive waste of time! For that church and the media.

Our church is a Pentecostal, Evangelical church too. Most Pentecostal, Bible believing, Evangelical churches think that the Koran burning event is a waste of time and/or wrong.

What really is sick is that the media blows the thing into this international scandal. Is the real purpose of media's coverage to alert the public to a real and large threat, or to make a church with the label of Pentecostal/Evangelical look stupid (though they have earned the third label). Why does the media cover crazy church, and ignore the hundreds of churches that are planning to celebrate September 11th by saying thank you to firefighters, Police Officers, and EMS personnel?

I am going to be picking up Panera Bread gift cards in a few minutes that we are adding to the gift bags for the emergency response heroes of Washington, Missouri tonight at our thank you dinner. It is gong to be a really fun and meaningful way to celebrate 9/11.

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