Thursday, January 13, 2011

Faith Should Be Fun

I am becoming more convinced of one thing as I grow older.


Most of you may think that would be irreverent. But, we serve a creative God. He made you, me and the universe. God is creative and if he lives in you and me, then we should be too.

Part of that creativity is a good sense of humor. Most humor today is taking advantage of someones trouble or error. A lot is vulgar and nasty. But, I think God's sense of humor is perfect and holy. Because he loves every person like a father loves his little boy or little girl his humor is never vulgar or abusive. Do you and your kids laugh together? Then should you not laugh together with your Heavenly Father?

The other part of our creative God that makes serving him fun is the adventure of it. New adventures are fun. If you sell out 100% to serve the Lord he will give you new adventures. Try to serve him half way and you will be frustrated and bored.

I know, life is hard. Satan throws all kinds of horrible things at us in life. As a matter of fact, I can join with you and say that at times, life stinks! But, serving God is the fun, peaceful, enjoyable part of life. It motivates me to win battles and make it through the stinky places because I know what God intends for me.

If your faith in Jesus is not free of guilt and fun at the same time, I encourage you to evaluate your relationship with God. Start today.

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