Monday, January 10, 2011

Who's in charge?

My wife relayed the conversation she had with the boys while tucking them into bed and reading Matthew chapter one from Elizabeth's Bible reading chart for Wednesday nights Girls' Club. I had to chuckle. Stephanie had just started reading when Gabe asked, " a family, who's in charge? The mom or the dad?" She started by telling them that if a family followed God's Word, the dad was in charge. She flipped over to Ephesians 5:21-33 and read this to them along with the beginning of chapter 6 and asked them if this sounded familiar from the summer lessons from Pastor John over the 10 Commandments.

Gabe's next question was interesting as was Stephanie's response. " seems that you and dad are equal?" To that, Stephanie told him it is because daddy is a godly man. It makes a difference when the dad and mom both love the Lord and do things His way. That's pretty cool!

I feel so blessed with this family!

It is amazing what kids can notice!

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