Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Life is Hard, God is Good

In the last year I have come to redefine how and why bad things happen to good people. The bottom line is that life is hard and full of trouble. Even for believers, life can be full of trouble. However, God is good. He is the source of everything good in my life. Satan is the source of trouble. God allows some trouble, but it is always trouble that God can empower me to overcome.

This simple definition helps me a lot. First, I am ready to fight bad things in life and look for God's ways of overcoming. I have an overcoming attitude. Second, I feel a greater sense of God's protection, even when bad things are happening to me. I know that he is still in control and saving me from unbearable difficulties. Third, it removes from our minds the temptation of blaming God for things.

So, if you are having a rough time with something, just remember. Life is hard, God is good.

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