Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Mixed #1

In recent days and months I have been hit over and over with the same thought. As followers of Jesus Christ our hearts can not be mixed. I am continuously having conversations with people and about people who are mixed in their hearts. Jesus asks us to, "Be perfect as your father in heaven is perfect." (Matthew 5:48 ; 1 Peter 1:16)That is a steep hill to climb in our journey, but it is just that, a JOURNEY, not a quick sprint to perfection. because this is such a huge message in my heart the last few weeks, I am starting a blog series on the subject.

To be a holy Christian is to be un-mixed. That is, to be whole in our relationship with God. Our actions match our beliefs. Our emotions and feelings begin to match our stated faith and Biblical principals. When we allow the world to affect us rather than us affecting the world around us, we are becoming mixed.

In the book "Habbitudes" the illustration is used of a thermostat and a thermometer. A thermometer tells us the temperature of a room and its reading is determined by its surrounding. A thermostat sets its reading and then proceeds to change the room. We need to be thermostats and set a Biblical, holy tone where ever we go.

Mixed Minds
I am finding people mixed in their minds. They can't decide what to believe. They are mixed in trying to determine if they really want to serve God. They are really mixed up about what they believe is right and wrong. There is a continual wavering in their faith every time they get some new information from a high school or college class, watch a documentary on TV or hear an opinion on the radio. We can question everything, but we need to do a better job of holding on to the truth.

It is time to become students of the Word of God. The Bible has answers to almost every question that you have in life. There are very few mysteries in life that the Bible does not speak to. Where the Bible is silent, God intends to be silent and leave a mystery. There are no circumstances in life that the Bible fails to address. The primary way to know God's will, is to know God's Word.

The days of trusting our culture to guide us toward what is good are over. Simply trying to fit in will not lead you into holy living and thinking. The possibility of searching Google or Yahoo for a Biblical answer may be scarce. There are multitudes of possible answers to any question if you are looking on the web. Assuming that a person believes the Scriptures because their title is Pastor is becoming a mistake. Many Pastors do trust the Word of God, but others have placed other sources of authority over and along side God's Word. These other sources of authority eliminate some Scriptural truths and disregard others. It is time to study the Word and trust the Word of God.

There is more to come this week.

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