Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Evil and Enemies #1

In Matthew 5:38-48 Jesus talks to us about how to respond to evil and to people who are determined to be our enemies.

Jesus begins by referring to a quote, "You have heard that it was said, 'Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.'" It is a quote from three possible places (Exodus 21:24; Leviticus 24:20; or Deuteronomy 19:21). In Deuteronomy the wording "...eye for eye..." is clearly intended as a stiff deterrent to criminality. If a false witness arises and his or her testimony puts an innocent person in the place of punishment, then the exact same punishment is to be given to the false witness! In the other two locations the eye for eye and tooth for tooth principal is not in the context of revenge, but fairness. If your enemy injures your son for instance and you are really mad, justice does not mean that you can kill him in revenge. It sets a rule that disallows escalation of conflict (only an eye for an eye). The idea that, "You hurt me and I am going to kill you (or hurt you more than you hurt me) for what you did!" is not in the heart of God.

The statement and ethical value that had been derived from, an eye for an eye, over the years actually created revenge, rather than alleviating revenge as it was intended to do! Even in the way we use the term, "eye for eye and tooth for tooth" today, we refer to it as an acceptable form of revenge, "It is OK for me to hurt them back because..."

Jesus points to the spirit of the Law. In God's law there is grace. Jesus does not tell us to not resist evil and give into temptation, but he says, do not resist an evil person. You do not have to pay back what they have done to you. In fact, if they press you for one thing graciously give them two things. Jesus asks us to actually be graciously giving to our enemies. In referring to a legal battle, Jesus says to settle matters quickly with your adversary on the way to court. Here he goes a step further to suggest that you offer a little extra to settle the matter. Could it be that peace with your neighbor is more important to God than money?

So, how do we respond to evil people and evil actions.
1. As much as it depends on you, live at peace with all people.
2. Settle matters quickly.
3. Be gracious, even to your enemies.
4. Do not be overcome with evil, but over come evil with good.

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