Saturday, September 17, 2011

Mountian Top Livin' #4

In Matthew 5:33-37 Jesus speaks to us about honesty and speaking frankly.

Learn to Say No.
Jesus says, "let your 'Yes' be 'Yes,' and your 'No,' 'No.'" We work pretty hard at honesty and keep our word when we say "Yes." The trouble is that we may say "Yes," too often. We have a tendancy to become over taxed by saying only "Yes." It is time to learn to say "No."

The worst example is watching politicians. Durring campaign time the word is "Yes." But then later when it is time to work together and make the tough decisions that are not popular with many the answer is "No." It is easy to pick on politics, but is it touigher to pick on our own version of the same tactics.

How often do parents fall into the trap of saying "Yes," to too many things that the kids want? My kids are little and so I am still learing a lot. Last year a successful pair of ministry friends told me about the two sport rule, and for the other friend it was a one sport rule. They determined before all the sporting possibilites stared that their kids would get to choose one or two sports per year. They knew the danger of saying yes to all the sports possibiliteis. So, they clearly helpd the kids to learn not to say yes to all possibilites.

How often do we fall into the trap of saying yes to too many jobs. Not just at church, but maybe in a civic club or even in our jobs. One of my core values is that God gives every believer the ability to balance their commitments to God, church and their community. God is my first priority, my wife is second, my kids are third, and my calling from God is next. Everyting else is balanced after that. I am so serious about this that I joined the Optimist club in town just to show the church that you can keep these tings in balance. This year I am the club President (only for 15 more days, term is up).

One way to see if you are saying yes to too much is to measure your margins. How much space in your life is not occupied by the text of your promises? Do you have down time to rest and hang out with your kids and grandkids. If you don't have free time for your spouse and children, you may not have enough margin. If your job and family take over and there is no room for church then somethign is out of balance the other way.

Let's mke sure that we say "Yes" to what we can really do a great job at and what we must do a great job at.

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