Wednesday, April 11, 2012

< 100 Years

I am studying the book of Nahum this morning. The entire book is a prophecy against the wickedness of the city of Nineveh, which was the capital of Assyria until about 612 B.C. when it was destroyed by invaders.

We usually think of Jonah when we hear the name Nineveh. When Jonah finally went to Nineveh to preach, the entire city repented from their sins and turned to God in sackcloth and ashes, a sign of mourning. If you wonder what Jonah might have preached in Nineveh, it may have been a lot like the text of Nahum. But, the question is, who preached there first and how far apart were the messages of these two Galileean preachers who both preached to Nineveh?

From what I can tell, Jonah went there first. Likely around 770 to 750 B.C. Nahum spoke his message later based on what we know about him being younger than Jonah. Nahum may not have actually traveled to the city, we don't know. But, Nahum had to prepare his message from God before the city fell about 612 B.C.

Here is the point. From Jonah to Nahum, there may have only been a span of 60 years. At the most about 80 years. It is very safe to say it was < 100 years.

How can a community and the capital of a nation fall so far in such a short span of time? From the closeness to God that was produced in the days of Jonah, to the promised destruction from Nahum which came to pass. When Jonah preached the people responded. When Nahum preached there was no response, except the response of God who allowed the city to be destroyed.

The truth of the Bible narrative is speaking to us today. The messsage is applicable because human nature has not changed. In < 100 years even our nation can move drastically from a place of revival and Godly repentance to a place of violence and greed. In < 100 years we have improved in the areas of racial unity and the rights of female citizens. But, we are still racially violent, and that violence is not limited to one of our many minorities. We value the rights of women, but the sexualization of the woman in pop culture has demeaned her as an individual and destroyed female identity apart from body image.

We must be careful. Nineveh was the lead city of the most powerful nation on Earth. < 100 years later it was completely destroyed.

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