Tuesday, April 24, 2012

The Next 800

If you want to help build the kingdom, build the church in the east Central Missouri region, and help your Pastor reach thousands of people for Christ, then help me make the next 800 blog entries greater than the last 800.

The first 800 have produced these results:
--6,331 different users have read the blog at least one time.
--Over 53,000 hits have been registered to the site since its inception in May of 2009.
--People have read pages from The US, Russia, Germany, Canada, The Netherlands, Latvia, Israel, The UK, France, and Japan.  These countries are listed in order of most visits.  There are other countries but their numbers are much smaller.

Let's stop thinking small.  The trend in Washington and Union, Missouri is to think: "St.Louis is big, big things happen there.  We are small, so we do things small."  Let's put that thought in the garbage where it belongs.  Our church in Washington can change the world.  So. let's do it.  The blog is one tool for that work.

I know that I am not the best writer.  I know that I am not perfect in grammar or punctuation.  But, there are good thoughts in these posts that can help people.  I am going to try harder to be more excellent.  Will you help me?  You can share these posts on Facebook and Twitter by clicking the share link in the lower left corner of the posting.

Help me meet some goals.  Keep me accountable by asking my to check the stats in December of 2012.
1.  Let's see if we can get up to 10,000 readers by the end of 2012.  It is possible.
2.  Let's see if we can use the blog as an invitation tool that introduces people to Jesus.
3.  Visitors often tell us how they found our church.  Let's see if we can start recording responses that include the blog.

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