Monday, December 3, 2012

Dating for a Divorce

Sunday the message was, "Dating for a Divorce."  In our society today, we train for divorce by having dating relationships where people tag their feelings as love.  Furthermore, these relationships are often sexually active relationships.  Then when something goes wrong, the two break up.  So in dating, people learn to fall in love, often being sexually active, and then learn to fall out of love and love someone else very easily.

Today in my regular devotions, I read about King Solomon who was led astray from obeying the Lord by his love for many wives.  If Solomon, who was given wisdom and intelligence from God, was led astray by his romantic emotions, what are we up against?

Honestly, I am concerned that people heard the message on dating yesterday and understood it and believe it.  But, no one will heed it because people are so quickly and easily led astray by their emotions when they are not daily taking in the Word of God and trusting him.

Today, Stephanie is posting the podcast at  Go to media and you can listen to the message again.  If you did not get an outline, get one Wednesday night, or get it from this blog.  I challenge you to read every Scripture in the message for yourself this week.  The way to overcome emotions is the Spirit of God and the Word of God.

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