Tuesday, January 7, 2014


This cold weather has been quite an adventure!  I hate canceling church.  It is always more work than having church.  Then, add to that, your entire week is messed up.  Sunday morning church has always been the anchor of my weekly routine.  When ever I miss church my week never feels complete.  I love seeing church people each Sunday.  I missed you all.

Then today, we came into work to find that a pressure regulator in our water system had frozen just next to the water meeter.  It was working fine when I left Monday, it froze overnight even with the heat on in the building!  It sits close to the ground and too close to the exterior wall.  I thawed it out with a space heater to find that it now leaks and will have to be replaced.

Well, that is the ministry.  You go to Bible College and get a graduate degree in theology learning lofty ideas, languages, psychology, and history to use it as a plumber.

I am going to post a few extra devotional thoughts for this week.  Stay warm and safe.  Be richly blessed!

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