Monday, July 16, 2007

First Day of Kids Camp

Today was fun!

My wife rode in the van with Pastor John and the nine kids from our church. We stopped in at MickyD's for a snack and ended up stopping in Eldon, MO to give the van an unexpected but needed drink of water! Our award winning resident Ford Service Manager says we will be OK, just need to watch for the motor getting too hot and then test a thermostat when we get back.

The kids love camp already. Little Stephanie said, "This is so cool!!" and we were only unloading the luggage out of the van. Service was good, camp has a pirate theme and they talked about growing this week in God. A lot of kids came forward to be saved. John and I prayed with the boys and Stephanie with the girls. After service the kids could buy little light up toys or go to the snack shop, or just hang out till the weird siren known as "the whooper" sounds telling the kids to go back to their rooms and get to bed. (The Whooper is named for the unusual sound it makes, WOOP - WOOP and so no.)

I have not been to kids camp before. I have been to tons of youth camps all over the nation. This is really different. I was in my room and ready for bed at 10:15 p.m. What is going on here? At youth camp you never sleep before 1:00 a.m. even though lights out is 12:00 midnight.

Today is my wife's b-day. It was fun to play with. As my wife gets older she still continues to look young. I have a very funny story about this, but will need her permission to put it on the blog.

Got to go. need my sleep to wake up early, read, pray, and do my waterfront duty tomorrow. I start at 9:30 a.m. and finish at 5:20 p.m. I bought some spray sunscreen because I will have to apply it so many times each day. If the newest urban legend about spray sun screen being flammable is true please send me a comment and let me know. The goal is, not to burn.


Anonymous said...

When will you be posting the pictures if the events at camp?

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to Stephanie. I cant wait to hear how camp is going.I miss my girls and I'm excited to visit the camp on Wednesday with Stephanie Jahnke.I checked the weather for the lake It's going to be HOT tomorrow. See ya latter.