Thursday, July 12, 2007

Wild Week - Blogging out for a while

Tomorrow I will be headed to Indiana for a wedding. I will return for Sunday and leave again on Monday for a week. I will likely miss some days this week on the blog.

I am very excited about the message for Sunday. Since it is Summer I am focusing the sermons on the faithful core of the church. In the Summer, first time visitors are general fewer in number. This weeks message in the "Sizzling Summer Hot Topics" series is, "The Melting Polar Ice Cap."

The church in the United States has been frozen in time for too long! But, there is a sea change occurring. There is a climate change, global in nature, that can affect the U.S. churches. In the next two messages we will be looking at what we need to learn from thriving Christian communities in other parts of the world. This week we look at the difficulty that the U.S. church has in breaking out of some cultural barriers that keep us from completing God's mission on the earth. The Church has been frozen in time, but the ice is melting and we will soon be on the move again, perhaps like we have never seen before!

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