Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Leadership Conference

The last two days of leadership conference has been excellent. It cost $49.00 and it was worth every penny. It totally motivated my wife and she is excited about what we have been learning. We have gain some great creative ideas to make the things that we are doing already more effective. The good news is, we are going in a great direction.

A few things confirmed to me while listening to these speakers include:
1. The Pastor has to receive direction from God for the church an then never veer from it!
2. We have to love people the way they are right now if we want them to accept Jesus and start to be more like him.
3. We must continue to redeem technology that the world may be using for evil and use it for the glory of God.
4. No amount of prayer and feeling of depending on the Holy Spirit make up for laziness.

I had the chance to meet two key people. First, the man who had been, and still is, instrumental in helping us get a web site going for First AG. Second, a home missionary that will be essential in starting an after school student center in the future. he has helped several churches accomplish this program in their communities. Check his organization out, the Jr. and Sr. High element is called Thrive.

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