Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Missions Mania!

One of our core values at First AG is that we believe in and support world missions. Click on the links to find our more about our core values and some of the missionaries we support. Lately this has been on my mind even more than usual for several reasons.

First, we recently picked up or 25th missionary! Our church was pledged to support 9 missionaries on a monthly basis in 2003 when Steph and I arrived, and we were behind! We caught up on our support and then began to add missionaries. Our goal is to support every Southern Missouri District Missionary (click on US Missionaries then on World Missionaries). Support starts at $50 per month.

I thought there were about 100 missionaries and that we were 25% of the way to our goal. I found out this week that there are actually just under 80. So, we are about 1/3 of the way to our goal. I think that we may be able to reach that goal in the next few years! Can we possibly support 75 missionaries by the end of 2010?

Second, I have been extra convicted about missions trips lately. My passport is too dusty! The stamps in it are dated too long ago! It is time to hit the missions trail my friends. I am looking this week for a project that we can all work on together for 2008. I am also considering joining a Health Care team that will travel to Africa next year. This is not a trip that I would take with a team. Ron Drye from A/G Health care ministries is leading teams into one of the sickest regions of the globe racked by civil war. I think I want to go on a trip like that.

Lastly, I want to remind our men that we need to raise about $5,000 for LFTL this year. WE need to get busy.

Please pray with me about what we should do for missions in 2008!

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