Monday, August 13, 2007

Sunday Breakdown

Yesterday was an excellent day. I was really touched during our worship times in both services. It is always good when the Pastor gets something extra good from God in church!

We tried to do communion differently. I wanted communion to be at the end and also have an altar call for people to respond to the sermon. It went very well in the first service. In the second service it was not as smooth, but I felt it was still a good spiritual exercise.

Also, I think there is something to be said for getting out of your seat for communion instead of communion coming to you. Some people are taking communion in our church when they should perhaps let it pass them by. Jesus said leave your gift at the altar and be reconciled to your brother, then you can approach the altar with clean hands and worship. Paul said we ought to examine ourselves and not take communion lightly, or in an unworthy manner.

I will not serve communion the same way every time. We need to break the ritual occasionally to keep our minds at the heart of the ceremony and remain attentive to God.

We had two people rededicate their hearts to the Lord in the second service. Keep praying for people to be saved in every service.

Lastly, one of our Small Groups met this week with one thought in mind. Invite new people into the group. I was proud of their idea and willingness to contact people to join their group. They had a bar-b-q and simply invited people to hang out and be friends. That is the way to start.

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