Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Favorite Movies

Hey gang, I thought I would post a simply useless entry today. It has nothing to do with my request two days ago. I thought it might simply help you to know me better.

So, what are my favorite movies in no particular order?
1. The Fugitive
2. U.S. Marshalls
3. The Princess Bride (One of the few movies I own.)
4. The Bible (I love Gen. 1-11 and this covers that portion of Scripture.)
5. Mcclintock (A John Wayne Movie)
6. The Cowboys (Another John Wayne Movie)
7. The Lord of the Rings Trilogy (One of the few movie sets I own.)
8. The Sixth Sense
9. Emma (The only period piece movie I like so far.)
10. Return to Me (The only chick flick to make the list.)

I don't buy movies. Why buy a movie to watch it over and over again? Memorize the really great parts and take the thing back to the rental place!

I don't do rated R movies. People (lots of Christians and pastors) say, I love Braveheart, The Patriot, or Saving Private Ryan. I say, if its not fit for a 17 or 18 year old then why is it fit for me? It also saves me from filling my mind with nudity and violence.

I once read a book with journal entries of WW I veterans that was compiled to be a documentary on the war. My brother had to read it for a college history class. The descriptions were so vivid that it made me in awe of what those men had to endure. I guess that 85 years later we are so illiterate as a nation that we have to watch pictures of violence to get the idea conveyed because Americans can't read, and maybe can't write anymore.

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