Tuesday, September 11, 2007

God @ the Movies

I am working on a possible sermon series, "God @ the Movies." It seems that many people today get their views on God from popular movies and music than from church. I am not only talking about people who do not attend church, but people who do attend church. So, let's look for God in the movies!

Please comment on this entry with your ideas. Let me know about times when you were watching a movie for entertainment and all of a sudden, perhaps not the intent of the movie maker, you found a great God principal or truth.

One of my personal favorites is at the end of a beautiful mind. "You are all my reasons..."

This summer in The Bourn Ultimatum Jason finally remembers that he really did buy into Treadstone when he shot and killed an unknown subject for no apparent reason. The depth of his evil nature, choosing to be a killer, hits him full force. It reminded me of my own recognition of my sin nature and the realization of my own choice to be depraved.

Let me know about your God moments while watching movies. Yours could be from old classic movies or from more modern movies. Either way movies impact our thinking and our view of reality. Movies like Forest Gump (baby boomers), The Breakfast Club (gen X), and The Matrix (gen Y) have planted seeds that are forming the philosophies of generations.

Please comment!


Leo Crosby said...

Hey Paul! Great Idea. Found this website of 100 Greatest Movie Lines A couple I like...

Jaws- You're going to need a bigger boat

Terminator - I'll Be Back

Caddyshack - So I got that going for me, which is nice

Anyway there are some great ones there.

Tell Stephanie hello!

Pastor With Coffee said...

Thanks Leo, I will tell Steph I got to say hi and send your greetings. God bless you.