Monday, September 10, 2007

Reflections on Sunday

Yesterday was a good day. A few people were missing due to sickness and travel. We had some very good experiences in worship yesterday. As we worshiped I prayed earnestly about what the Lord wanted to say to people in that service. It seemed that in the second service the Lord was encouraging some people. Often we get into frustrating situations that seem to drag on forever. We have faith for God to mend things and work on our behalf, but it seems to take so long. While we are waiting we need encouragement.

I received one of the best cards of encouragement yesterday! One of the items mentioned was, "I am also glad that you stuck with your decision on the small group issue. We love our group and are very thankful for the time to spend with them." If you need encouragement from an in-person, living, friend, then you need to be in a Small Group.

Let me just add a few words of inspiration regarding Small Groups.
1. The heath of our Small Groups is the health of our church!
2. If our Small Groups grow then the church grows. If they remain static, the entire whole will remain static.
3. The people in a Small Group this year have developed a greater love for the church because they have had such great fellowship.
4. There are multiple ways to build our Small Groups. Groups may grow bay adding to that group. Or, the group network may grow by adding new groups that meet the needs of a new set of people who have not been in any group so far. If you feel the Lord tugging your heart to lead a group, then I can't wait to talk to you!

Well, that is enough reflecting for now. Have a blessed day.

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