Monday, November 5, 2007

A Vivsion for Life

Sunday I spoke about, "A Vision for Your Life." (clik to listen) Using the Apostle Paul as our example we considered his life-long calling to serve the Gentiles the Gospel. In Acts 26:19 he says, "I was not disobedient to the vision from heaven." NIV.

Let's live our lives so that at the end we can say, "I was not disobedient to the vision from heaven," for my life. We all have general purposes. We are called to worship, love people, grow in Christ, serve others and spread the news about Jesus. Though we are all called to these general purposes, you must survey your personal gifts and talents and get a vision from God for your life that is uniquely yours.

After church several people asked about their personal vision and purpose for their life. It was like people felt a direction from God, but wanted the approval of their pastor, or some confirmation.

Here are a few test questions I thought up last week, but did not have time to preach on Sunday. These will help you determine if you have a vision for life.
1. Is it big enough? Is it big enough that you have to depend on God? Is it big enough to take up the rest of your life?
2. Does it have a goal that builds God's kingdom or your own? Or, stated another way, is it self-serving or does it serve the world outside your family and people who love you?
3. Does is allow you to invite other to work with you and work alongside others?

These are questions that will help you hear from God in a way that gets you out of your comfort zone. God usually will not give us a mission that is comfortable.

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