Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Working Hard on 2008

We are working hard to prepare for 2008. Here are a few goals.
1. Focus on the mission of the church more than ever before. I really think that we should see people added to the church daily. I would like to see us win and/or welcome 365 people to Jesus and First A/G.
2. Complete one youth and one adult mission trip.
3. Build more Small Groups that are healthy and extremely committed to the Lord and each other. I think that the Lord is drawing some people to become Small Group Leaders in 2008. Remember, the Small Group leader does not need to be the host also.
4. Tweak our outreach events and ministries to be more efficient.
5. Create more ways for people to use their gifts for the Lord.
6. Find the Lord's direction for equipping and using the individuals in the congregation who feel a call to full-time ministry and are preparing for that ministry.

I know that some of these are not concrete enough right now, but these have been on my mind.

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