Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Our Greatest Asset

The greatest asset of any church is the people who attend.

Jesus said, "I will build my Church," Matthew 16:18. The word church is not talking about an institution or a building. The Greek word that we translate church can also be translated as: "congregation," "assembly," or "community." The word church has obtained a connotation over the centuries as an institution or a building. The words congregation, assembly, or community help us to visualize a group of people, not a building or institution.

The church is not a building, the church is a group of people. To build a church is not to build a building, but to build people.

This year I am praying and trying to focus on building people. Our theme this year is "The Mission." for me as the Pastor that means that I will work to reach the lost, but I will also work to raise the quality of the individuals in our church so that they will accomplish the mission that God has called them to complete. Pray for me as I am praying about some sermon series for the rest of 2008 that will focus on building quality people.

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