Thursday, January 3, 2008

Shadowds and Fog Update

Saving for Your Children's Future
This is the title for Sunday's message. It sounds like a terribly negative title, but like I said Monday, much of what we learn from Judges is how not to do things! By avoiding some of the mistakes of God's people as recorded in Judges we can avoid a lot of trouble.


Margaret said...

Hello Pastor with Coffee:

My name is Margaret Wetterling from Hermiston, OR and we are AG also. This past summer we did missions work with Southern Missouri District missionaries Mark and Victoria Turney. If they have been to your church you will know how great they are. They are in Otjiwarongo, Namibia.

Pastor With Coffee said...


Sorry I am so slow in responding, I took a few days off and just got back to the office. I do know Mark Turney, we went to Centrial Bible College at the same time and I have hosted him to speak at our church. We also support them on a monthly basis. Thanks for the note and for checking the blog.