Thursday, February 14, 2008

Who Are You?

In Nehemiah we find the Jewish people returning to Jerusalem to re-settle what they still consider their promised land, even after having lost it. I say still consider because the Jews had been through a lot in the last 70 years.

God had warned over and over that their decision to follow other God’s would result in their losing their national identity and their land. But somehow, in the process of being dislodged from their place they found an identity that was greater than the land.

In Nehemiah 9 the people gather together to commit themselves to God and they re-count all the things that God has done for the Jews. After being destroyed 70 years earlier they still found their identity as God’s people and it is shown in a specific way.

In chapter 9 verse 9 through 15 they recount the exodus and how God brought them out of Egypt. Those days of deliverance were defining moments in the spiritual life of the people.

What spiritual experiences with Jesus Christ define you?

Remember, not all “spiritual” experiences are good. Going to a palm reader, séance, or witch doctor can all be spiritual experiences. People today have all types of spiritual experiences that seem miraculous. But, not all miraculous power is God’s power. Satan and his demons have power too and we must distinguish between God’s power, human psychological power, and evil powers at work in our world.

I am asking is what spiritual experiences with Jesus Christ define you? I am not talking about your identification with a denomination or as a minister with credentials. I am not talking about your identity as a person with a position or title in a church (choir member, deacon, elder, teaacher). I am talking about who you are when all the outward identifiers are stripped away and it is just you and God. I encourage you to take a moment and think about that today. Don’t just look back and remember the, “good old days.” Look back so you can move forward in confidence, knowing who you are and knowing who will help you today.

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