Tuesday, February 12, 2008


What Would Jesus Preach?

If Jesus were here today rather than 2,000 years ago there are some things that would have to be the same in his message. Jesus had a specific mission from his Heavenly father while he was on earth and that mission would be the same.
1. The Kingdom of heaven is at hand.
2. Repent of sin and turn to God.
3. Love the Lord and love your neighbor.
4. The beatitudes of Matthew chapter 5.
5. Jesus would still end up unjustly murdered and beating the grave.

But, if Jesus was walking the earth today what particulars would he preach?

Would he still throw out the money changers in the temple? Well, there is no temple worship right now so what would his economic message be? Cut your big CEO salary with the million of dollar bonus and give your 1,000 employees a $1,000 dollar raise this year. If we really want the good news to go every where stop making Christian books so expensive.

Would he still let the woman caught in adultery go? Sure why not. But, would he still say, "Go and sin no more," or would he be less offensive and just tell her to be a good person?

Would Jesus still preach that looking at a woman (or man) lustfully (on your favorite TV program, on the billboard, on the magazine rack) is committing adultery with him/her?

Would Jesus still preach that hatred is murder? But you can love someone while at the same time not like them?

Would Jesus' message of love your enemies require an Evangelical politician to press for arms reductions? How would Jesus help that leader separate his public job from his private moral? What if all the spies who are trained to lie for their country followed Jesus and followed a policy of always tell the truth? It could ruin our foreign policy!

Think about the particulars of Jesus' message. Consider all the ways we rationalize his rules away. Think how impossible it seems to really follow his teaching and not change the entire system that we function within every day.

Nobody could shut him up or beat him in an argument. It is no wonder he had to die.

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