Tuesday, March 4, 2008

An Amazing Coincidence

On Saturday night Sylvia Clark gave Stephanie and me a music CD that was written by some artists in Springfield. She thought that Steph and I would be interested in it. I looked it over and noticed that the songs were written in part by Ryan Hunt. I said to Steph, "Do you realize that Ryan Hunt was in the youth group at Central AG while we were serving there?" I had not thought about him for 13 years!

Monday night at the prayer conference I went to the altar to pray after the message. Jim Cymbala instructed us to find one person and pray with them. I turned to a young man and introduced myself. He said, "Hi, I am Ryan Hunt." I about fell over! I told him about the CD and he was stunned that it made its way into my hands at such an amazing time. Then we prayed.

After we had prayed he said, "I feel I have a word for you." "God is going to begin to bless you in some very new ways in your ministry. You are not going to be blessed in the ways that you expected. God is going to bless you with the finances you need in a surprising way and he is going to use you to lead a move of God in your region. This is going to happen very soon."

I said, "I receive that."

Let's pray with greater passion and pay attention to the Holy Spirit. Who knows what the Lord has in store for us. All I know is that I want to help the people in our church build the kingdom. I want the people in our church to have God's blessing in their lives and families. I want the folks that I minister to be growing, quality people in God.

Let's trust the lord for more.

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