Friday, July 11, 2008


Thursday night we went to visit a friend Don. He is in his mid 70s and fell two weeks ago working in his yard and broke the ball joint in his hip. He had surgery and arrived in a rehabilitation center in town two days ago, which is where we were visiting him.

In our conversation he asked if we wanted to pick his green beans for him. So, this morning, after the donut shop we went to his house, met his wife Betty and worked in the garden. Then we were served lemon aid and had a great visit. Don and Betty are very nice people. We met them through our weekly trips to Schulte's Bakery on Friday mornings.

OK, so I realize that this post is following yesterday's post about Ben. This was totally unintentional. But, I encourage you, teach your kids to be outgoing and love people. How? Take them with you while you are serving others. If all you take your kids to are concerts and Chuck-E-Cheese, then your kids will grow up to be people who expect to be served. Take your kids to the nursing home, hospital, soup kitchen, church dinner, missions trip and they will grow up to be people who serve others and change the world. That is my hope for my kids. I will keep trying. God will keep helping.

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