Tuesday, December 2, 2008


I am feeling more frequently than ever that true Christianity is becoming countercultural in America. As our cultures changes, and cultural values change, we become more and more like the aliens that the Bible says we are in this world.

This morning I was reading Ezekiel chapter two about his call to speak to the Israelites in exile in Babylon. Here are some striking words that don't seem to fit the mold of a respectable minister in America today. It does not fit the mold of the cardigan wearing reserved minister. Nor does it fit the mold of the modern blue jean wearing minister who spends more time on image, entertainment and style than content. Let me start be describing Ezekiel's target audience for ministry.

1. "I am sending you to a rebellious house." The word rebel, or rebellious, is used five times in the ten short verses of chapter two. Ezekiel was not sent to a nice place of ministry, but a place where no one wanted to hear his message. I remember being engulfed in theology in seminary. I took 12 graduate hours per semester along with my duties as a local youth pastor. One holiday I realized while visiting with cousins, aunts and uncles, that the subject that I was studying every day was totally irrelevant to them. For some the study is downright disgusting. If I were studying biology, education, politics, or getting a masters degree in business I would have been welcomed into the conversations with keen interest in my area of expertise. I still feel this very often today. In many ways we as Christians are being sent to a rebellious house.

2. "The people...are obstinate and stubborn..." The people that we are ministering to are often obstinate and stubborn. Occasionally that is true of Christians, not just those outside the family of God. How many times have we ministered to a person and then felt like we have failed because they have given up on serving the Lord!!!

Next let's see what kind of minister God was going to make Ezekiel.

1. Fearless. God tells Ezekiel twice, "do not be afraid of them." There is no need to be afraid of differing ideas, even if your idea becomes the minority in your area of influence.
2. Persistent. "You must speak my words to them, whether they listen or fail to listen." If I am placed in a position to speak to people who I know have rejected and may continue to reject the message, should I keep sharing it? Yes. Be persistent.
3. Hardheaded. "But I will make you as unyielding and as hardened as they are." I love this one, and yet I need so much help with it! God wants to make you and I hardheaded. If our target audience is stubborn and hardheaded, then we will have to be equally stubborn. Then God says, "I will make your forehead like the hardest stone, harder than flint. Do not be afraid..." When was the last time you asked God to make you hard headed? I am going to begin praying for hardheadedness today!
4. Angry. "...I went in bitterness and in the anger of my spirit, with the strong hand of the Lord upon me." I don't think Ezekiel was bitter in a hatred way toward people, but he felt the bitter sorrow of God, who longed for relationship with his people who were stubborn in rejecting him. That rejection made Ezekiel angry. It made him mad! Maybe we just are not mad enough about the sinfulness of our world any more. We need to have the Love of God in us always for the world. However, we have preached the message of love to a degree that we are no longer zealous about God's perfection and nature. If we really know God and want to be like Jesus, we need to be angry at the things that make him angry.

A more fearless, persistent, hardheaded, angry minister is perhaps what God is needing today.


Brent said...

That's a sermon and a half right there. I am going to join you in that regard, praying to be hardheaded (for His purposes and glory) and more angry with sin in the world. The Church has become too complacent... I daresay lukewarm, especially in it's effect on culture. Too few voices are speaking on behalf of the biblical worldview and are getting shouted down by an increasingly sinful culture. I also wonder how many Christians truly have a proper biblical worldview....

Anonymous said...

I was also reading Ezekiel this week. When I read that chapter on Sunday I had to read it twice because I didn't understand at first why God wanted to make his forehead as hard as a rock. I just had to tell you that I was the learning the same thing this week and I am also praying that GOd will make me hardheading especially in reaching the youth. -Laura Glastetter

Anonymous said...

I agree with this Laura person, she sounds hot. I need to remain persistent even when it seems like these young people aren't getting it. We must learn to accept people wherever they are at but that doesn't mean that we have to accept where they are at. Um basically love the sinner but not the sin.

Also CounterCulture was almost our youth name until someone made lots of fun of that name. Hmmm wonder who that was...STEPHANIE SCHEPERLE!!!