Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Cut and Paste

This entry is a cut and paste from my devotional journal for 2009.

Reading through Mark I noticed that evil spirits fell down, cried out and acted in other unusual ways in the presence of Jesus. If we really want to be like Jesus, should we expect this in the supermarket or the line at the DMV? We might just get in trouble, but we might do something great for God too! I don’t know any Christian who experiences this. Is our faith lacking? Is the presence of the Holy Spirit so weak in us?

I have to say, that for me and many people who attend our church, this kind of outburst would be completely unwelcome. We don’t like attention. We hide our faith in public. It would not fit into our schedule. If an evil spirit called out to us in a super market and pointed us out as a Christian and fell at our feet on the floor, we would run away or let the store security handle the miscreant.

Maybe we are not closer to Jesus for a reason. Jesus knows that if we get closer, we will reject the results of his presence in our lives.

Today's thankful thought: Today I am thankful that God has provided for us. When Stephanie and I look forward in our financial future and put pen to paper we always think, “we will never make it.” When we look back we seem to always think, “We have always had what we needed and been able to tithe and give to missions every month.” It never really makes sense! I am thankful that God will provide.

I am also thankful for the snow and ice melting properties of rock salt (snow day).

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