Friday, January 2, 2009

Four Planets at One Time

New Years Eve I took the boys out to view Venus, Mars and Jupiter. It was a particularly good night to see all three planets at one time while the other stars had not appeared in the twilight sky. I asked the boys, "How many planets can you see at one time right now?" They waited a second and then Gabe shouted, "Four!" I see Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and the Earth! Then we went home and studied the planets on Wikipedia for about 45 minutes before the party.

It is amazing to think about how fast we are moving. The earth moves at something near 29.7 km/sec. through space around the Sun. That is 107,218 km/hr, that means we go 2,573,232 km per day in our orbit. And yet, I can sleep soundly at night, and feel at peace and rest with my friends over a cup of coffee, and not spill any (usually).

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