Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Journal Enrty

Here is a portion cut and pasted from my 2009 devotional journal.

I have been reading Genesis to the kids at bedtime. I am currently reading the Noah story. I am reading from the New Living Translation. Even with a contemporary version, it is tough to read it to the kids who are six and four because it talks about murder, making babies, and I don’t know how I will read some of the other stuff. What really got me was Gen. 5.

The good thing is that the kids really do understand a lot of it. They ask all kinds of questions about murder, old age, and how deep the flood was. Ben asked, “Did the flood cover the whole world, or just Noah’s area? Wow, theologians and scientists are still trying to answer that one. Was the flood regional or global. Now my son is asking that question, and he came up with it on his own.

Today I am thankful for date nights with my wife.

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